
How To Create Color Circle Around A Mission Arma 3 Exile

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  • i How to use Admin Command
  • 2 Commands
    • Admin
    • ii.2 Player
    • two.3 Battleye

How to use Admin Command

You tin can access the command line by pressing the chat key ( default: / ).

In the conversation input window yous can type any of the following commands in and ostend them with the enter key.

You accept to add the # character earlier the command.

The commands can be used in SQF scripts by using serverCommand.

Troubleshooting: All commands are confirmed via a message in the console. If y'all enter a command that is properly formatted and you lot meet no confirmation of the command and so an error has occurred. Bank check your server log for more than information (e.grand. one or more of your mission files is corrupt or has an error which prevents the Missions Lobby from loading, or may forestall other commands like #restart or #reassign from executing).


The post-obit commands are available to you lot once you take connected to a server:


Control Example Description

#login password


#login adminPW

Log in equally the admin. Without password only possible if you are listed as an admin[] in server.cfg#Server_Options
#logout Admin log out.
#mission filename

#mission filename difficulty

#mission myDM.intro

#mission myDM.intro Veteran

Select mission with known name and set the difficulty. Difficulty parameter is optional and if not set, electric current difficulty is kept.
#missions Select mission.
#restart Restart mission.
#reassign Showtime over and reassign roles.
#shutdown Shuts down the server immediately
#restartserver Shuts down and restarts the server immediately (since Arma 3 v1.66)
#shutdownserveraftermission Shuts down the server after mission ends (since Arma 3 ane.72.142200)
#restartserveraftermission Shuts down and restarts the server subsequently mission ends (since Arma iii 1.72.142200)
#init Reload server config file loaded by -config option.
#exec ban name

#exec ban ID

#exec ban Player#

#exec ban nickName

#exec ban 47114712

#exec ban three

Allows you to ban a player. Their ID will be added to the ban.txt
#boot proper name

#kicking ID

#kicking Histrion#

#kick nickName

#kick 47114712

#boot iii

Allows you to kick a thespian.
#monitor (interval in sec) #monitor 1 Shows performance information of the server. Interval 0 means to stop monitoring.
Values description
G Guaranteed messages
NG Non-Guaranteed messages
Role player info
50 foyer
R role selection
B briefing
G in-game
D debriefing
#monitords (interval in sec) #monitords 1 Shows functioning information in the defended server console. Interval 0 means to terminate monitoring. (since Arma 3 v1.64)
#debug off #debug off Disables debugging.
#debug (interval in sec) #debug xxx Default interval is x seconds.
#debug (command) (param) #debug checkFile expansion\Dta\ui.pbo

#debug userSent <username>

#debug userInfo <username>

#debug userQueue <username>

#debug JIPQueue <username>

#debug totalSent 10

The available commands are:

Each command tin can be disabled by the use of the off parameter e.1000. #debug userSent off

Each command differs a bit; some output to screen, some to log file etc.

You need some debugger capable of catching OutputDebugString running on the client automobile

(one very minor and like shooting fish in a barrel to employ is available at SysInternals website).

Yous launch this debugger, and then launch ARMA client, connect to the server, and issue any of the commands.

#debug (command) #debug von

#debug console

The available commands are:


Send to submitter what's on server console. Works as DebugAnswer for all writes into the panel.


Outputs into logFile defined in server.cfg as e.g. logFile = "server_console.log";

Each of those commands should testify a confirmation in the conversation channels.

New admin commands since Armed Assault:
Command Clarification
#exec server side command Execute assistants scripting command.
#lock Locks the server, prevents new clients from joining.
#unlock Unlocks the server, allows new clients to join.


Command Example Description
#vote missions Users can vote for the mission pick.
#vote mission (name) #vote mission myD.intro Users tin can vote on a particular mission to loaded.
#vote admin (proper name/ID/PLR#) #vote admin nickName

#vote admin 47114712

#vote admin 3

Users can vote an admin to control the server.
#vote kicking (name, ID or Player#) #vote kick nickName

#vote kick 47114712

#vote kicking iii

Users tin vote to kick off an individual.
#vote restart Vote to restart the mission.
#vote reassign Vote to reassign.
#userlist Displays the list of users on the server (utilise PgUp to coil up).


Command Description
#beclient players Displays the list of GUID's of all players on the server.
#beclient guid Prove your ain GUID.


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