
Is Color Corrector The Same As Concealer

The main difference between concealer and corrector is that concealers are flesh-coloured while correctors come in a diverseness of colours like orange, peach, purple and green.

Concealers and correctors are 2 major corrective products that assistance you to cover imperfections on your skin. Although these have like functions, you shouldn't use these products interchangeably. Correctors normally go under concealer, giving the skin a neutral palette. Concealers tin then lighten and balance out the unnatural tone of the corrector, giving you a flawless expect.

Fundamental Areas Covered

one. What is a Concealer
     – Definition, Office, Features
two. What is a Corrector
     – Definition, Function, Features
3. What is the Difference Betwixt Concealer and Corrector
     – Comparison of Key Differences

Primal Terms

Concealer, Corrector, Dark Circles, Discolouration, PeelDifference Between Concealer and Corrector - Comparison Summary

What is a Concealer

Concealer is a cosmetic product that helps to cover upwardly imperfections on your skin. They can mask dark circles, age spots, zits, large pores and other blemishes visible on the skin. Like to foundations, concealers tin can make the peel announced more uniform in colour. However, they are thicker and tin can hide different pigmentation. Concealers can exist used with foundation or alone. If y'all are using both products, make sure you apply foundation beginning.

Main Difference - Concealer vs Corrector

Concealers come in a variety of shades. When choosing a shade, people tend to choice a shade that is somewhat lighter than their actual skin tone. Moreover, concealers with yellow undertones can cover dark circles while concealers with purple undertones tin can help brighten sallow complexions.

Although we use concealers to cover marks on the pare, even the highest quality concealers may not be able to mask night marks on the peel, especially in the delicate eye area. This is where colour correctors get useful.

What is a Corrector

Corrector, more commonly known as colour corrector, is a cosmetic product that tin conceal skin imperfections. Although they have the same function as concealers, correctors are more than effective. They utilize complementary colours to cancel out pare discolouration. Correctors are more often than not available in orange, lavander, peach and dark-green. Green colour correctors work for redness in skin as greenish neutralizes the ruddy. Peach and orange correctors are usually applied before using concealer on your under-eye area. Yellowish correctors, on the other hand, work all-time for hyperpigmentation, age spots, and blue and light-green bruises.

Correctors can brighten extreme under-heart darkness. When regular concealers cannot fully lighten the nether-middle, you lot can use a corrector.

Difference Between Concealer and Corrector

When you are using a corrector for nighttime circles, make sure the corrector is applied and in the inner corner infinite betwixt the eye and the bridge of the olfactory organ. A corrector can yet brighten your eyes even if you don't take a lot of darkness.

Divergence Between Concealer and Corrector


Concealer is a corrective production that helps to cover upward imperfections on your skin while corrector is a product that uses complementary colours to cancel out skin discolouration.


Concealers are mankind-coloured and are supposed to match your skin tone while colour correctors have dissimilar colours, generally pinkish, salmon, orange, purple, yellow and green.


Basically, concealers conceal any flaw while correctors neutralize the result of the flaw, helping to better conceal the trouble area.

Order of Use

You accept to use the corrector get-go, then yous can use the concealer.


Concealer is a corrective production that helps to cover up imperfections on your skin while corrector is a corrective product that uses complementary colours to cancel out the skin discolouration. The main departure between concealer and corrector is that concealers are mankind-coloured while correctors come in a diverseness of colours similar orange, peach, purple and green.

Image Courtesy:

one. "Brown concealer stick, cosmetics, makeover, foundation, stick foundation" (CC0) via Wallpaper Flare
2. "1703308" (CC0) via Pexels

About the Author: Hasa

Hasa has a BA degree in English, French and Translation studies. She is currently reading for a Masters degree in English. Her areas of interests include literature, linguistic communication, linguistics and also food.


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